Enable the digital witnessing of electronic signatures. Ensure the authenticity and integrity of signed documents, crucial for legal documents such as deeds and wills.
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Simplify the process of witnessing electronic signatures. By integrating witnessing into the digital signing process, it eliminates the need for physical documents, making document signing more efficient and accessible.
Witness signatures meet legal requirements effortlessly. The platform guides witnesses through providing necessary details like full name, address, occupation, and signature, ensuring each document is compliant and valid.
We will set up your templates for you, so you can experience the seamless eSigning and eWitnessing process.
Sign up for a trialeWitnessing is a feature that allows for the legal requirement of witnessing a signature to be fulfilled digitally. It's particularly relevant for significant legal documents like deeds and wills.
Yes, you can pre-define a witness's email when sending out a document for eSigning. This step is optional but can restrict the signatory to use only the pre-set witness if filled out.
Yes, to ensure authenticity, witnesses must physically be present with signatories at the time of signing.
Using the eWitnessing feature collects the Full Name, Occupation, Address and Signature of the witness. This information is imprinted on the document and also included on the signing certificate that is appended to the eSigned document.