We’ve worked tirelessly over the past couple of months on these latest features. As such, this release is a big one! We listened to you and built what you wanted. In fact, we’ve built in the following:
- External forms
- Automatic signing
- Review
- Cancel eSigning and make changes to a document
- Defaults on logic (Yes/Nos and Dropdowns)
- Improved document information
- Improved document listing page
1. External forms
Now, this is the big one. The one we’ve been working towards for quite some time. And we’re really excited to release it! But what is it you may ask? Well, in short, it means that you can let an external signatory add details that you may not know into a contract. For example; a company name, an address, personal details or anything else that only that signatory will know.
And no, we’re not simply overlaying it onto a PDF, Doc2 actually builds it directly into the documents.
With this feature, we have built in two super cool eSigning work-flows; Automatic and Review.
Automatic flow
After the external signatory has submitted the required details, they can eSign the document straight away. Meaning you can quickly and accurately eSign bespoke contracts.
Review flow
After the external signatory has submitted the required details, the person that created the document is notified. They can then review all of the details, make any changes if required, then send the document to be eSigned with a single click. Very useful if your documents need an extra pair of eyes over them before signing.
With either option, you can bypass the external data collection completely if necessary. Just make the choice when creating each document as shown below.

2. Cancel eSigning
This update brings the long asked for feature of the ability to cancel an eSigning envelope. Previously, if you needed to make changes to a document that had been sent for eSigning, you had to delete the whole document and create a new one. Now, you can simply cancel the eSigning envelope, make any necessary changes, then send it to be eSigned again. Simple.
Just hit this little ‘Cancel’ button in the top right of your screen on any document that is currently out for eSigning.
3. Defaults on logic
Logic questions, like Yes/Nos and Dropdowns previously could not have default answers. But, now they can!
4. Improved document information
You will see on a document page that the document information has been updated. So you will be able to see key document details at a glance.
5. Improved document listing page
The documents listing pages have been given a refresh as well. You will now be able to see the document status’s on the right-hand side; Created, eSign Pending, Pending data, Pending review and eSigned. So now you will be able to know the exact state each document is in within moments.
In addition to these major updates, we’ve also made lots of smaller bug and process fixes.
Want a hand with any of these new features, or want to make a request for more features? Just pop up on the live chat in the bottom right of your screen and let’s have a chat.
If you’re a new customer and want to have a Free Trial of Doc2, just click here.